Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Repitition of History

         To start things off, the Crusades was a war between the Muslims and Christians for Jerusalem. Both parties told themselves and their men that they were fighting for God. But what they really were  fighting for was LAND. Also both parties believed that killing was what God wanted. Former President Bush said ''I believe God wants me to run for president.'' Now comparing the Crusades to Iraq's Invasion, President Bush and the leaders of the Muslim and Christian armies both had the mentality of kind of being a ''profit'' (someone who is sent on earth from God or a messenger from God.)

       My argument is that history is repeating itself. The Invasion on Iraq is a split image of  the Crusades. Pointless. The leaders from then and now both had this idea of providence. In the article it said, ''Providence can acquire various meanings depending on the circumstances.'' which is absolutely true but it doesn't change Bush's meaning when he talks about God wanting his presidency. One thing that really stood out to me was the irony in both the crusades and invasion: As a country we do not want other countries invading on us or blowing our buildings up. But when we don't get our way, we do it to them hurting innocent people. Now, in the crusades the Muslims and Christians believed in the same God but had different names. Which meant that both parties believed in the 10 Commandments. One of the commandments are ''Thou shall not kill'' but each party went to the crusades to ''fight for God'' and KILL people. Isn't it ironic that the good people think they're doing ends up being a complete contradiction? 


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Gladiarors vs. Athletes

         Do you ever compare the times from then to now? How huge the gap of differences are and how many people who wouldn't even dare to do what people did during those times. 
The Colosseum (present day)
       So you ask yourself, what does it take ? What are the sacrifices? The rewards? During 100 A.C - 80 A.D The Colosseum was portrayed as something that could bring glory, power and respect. Just like today, society looks to these athletes as if they are some kind of role models but all they're really are are people with talentsthat ascend throughout time.So you ask yourself, once again, isn't the athletes and gladiators the same as the the people in society?
  If you were to compare the times from then to now, I think everyone could agree on the way the rules were and the way the rulers(emperor and president) then affects how we look at superstars, athletes, famous people now. For example, gladiator Verus from the film Colosseum: A Gladiator's Story the emperor gave Verus the title ''the strongest gladiator.'' Now if you look at today, the athletes get called ''MVP.'' You can say the gladiators and athletes resemble each other. Long story short, 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Trial of Socrates

 399BCE, Athens
The Wise Man Who Knew Nothing

       The court was quiet as Socrates entered with his white robe and long stick about 6ft tall.People snuck their petty looks and some even hid a sarcastic smile.  It had been the day that everyone was waiting for and everyone had been talking about for days.It had been rumors that a man named Socrates has been influential on our youth and disbelieving in our Gods.  In a court room full of  people, Socrates stood as one and was being accuse of rumors that had been floating around. The court went off of theories instead of proven facts.They had found nothing to substantiate the allegations.The speeches were measured by a water clock. the jury had the morning to give their speeches , giving Socrates the afternoon to give his speech.
            The Jurors had been rowdy and  Socrates had thought the idea of this meeting  was absurd and uncalled for.He even mocked the court after he was sentenced guilty.The voting was close but unfortunately Socrates still was found guilty.Thus he was executed. 

        Socrates was a wise man but yet he knew nothing. Around the time of the trial of Socrates , Athens was just coming out of a major recession  The Golden Age had just come to an end,which ended in 399BCE. The Oracle had told Socrates that he was the wiser one.And it wasn't as if Socrates went around Athens telling everyone this.He was modest and the people looked at him as if he'd been cocky.But the Jurors saw it in that way. 

      In my opinion, Socrates was brilliant.He sort used reverse psychology on the entire court room leaving them in awe with his brilliant.

Friday, September 20, 2013

An Irreplaceable Link To Our Past

The Freegans: people who collect discarded food from dumpsters.

I guess you can call it ''Dumpster-Diving''. But in a Freegans' opinion, ''the best things in life are free''.Freegans are regular people walking down the street just with different beliefs and how we should live economicly. Although Freegans may live in a nice house or apartment opposed to a regular hunter-gather's choice of shelter, they are still considered hunter-gathers. In my opinion, they are the modern-styled hunter-gatherers.Not only food is recovered from the trash.Magazines, books, musical instruments and even things for the household.A Freegans's purpose is to reduce the volume in the waste stream.


    This image is telling me that Freegans actually look just like normal people and wear normal clothing.Also, there's levels to this garbage picking. I would not like to live the lifestyle of a Freegan because growing up things just sort of been there in my procession. Also, I wouldn't even touch a dumpster. But I will say that a Freegan's lifestyle is beneficial.You will be able to save money in the long run. So being that you have a good job, you financially will be stabled.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Beheaded for Behavior

Recent archaeological discovery that I found was Mayan Grave Yields Dozens of Mutilated Bodies. -The recent arcehological discovery that was discovered was found on September 11,2013 3:45pm Some objects that were found were decapitated bodies.Heads were scattered everywhere.I can infer that if you commit a crime or any kind of violent action, you would be punished and that leads to being beheaded.This discovery was important because this discovery provided archeological evidence for violent scenes in Maya art.To read more on this story you can visit this site: