Thursday, November 14, 2013

Gladiarors vs. Athletes

         Do you ever compare the times from then to now? How huge the gap of differences are and how many people who wouldn't even dare to do what people did during those times. 
The Colosseum (present day)
       So you ask yourself, what does it take ? What are the sacrifices? The rewards? During 100 A.C - 80 A.D The Colosseum was portrayed as something that could bring glory, power and respect. Just like today, society looks to these athletes as if they are some kind of role models but all they're really are are people with talentsthat ascend throughout time.So you ask yourself, once again, isn't the athletes and gladiators the same as the the people in society?
  If you were to compare the times from then to now, I think everyone could agree on the way the rules were and the way the rulers(emperor and president) then affects how we look at superstars, athletes, famous people now. For example, gladiator Verus from the film Colosseum: A Gladiator's Story the emperor gave Verus the title ''the strongest gladiator.'' Now if you look at today, the athletes get called ''MVP.'' You can say the gladiators and athletes resemble each other. Long story short, 


  1. Change your background... this is not supposed to be a cheerleader web site.

  2. Good introduction... now see the graphic organizer to help you complete the task.
