Friday, September 20, 2013

An Irreplaceable Link To Our Past

The Freegans: people who collect discarded food from dumpsters.

I guess you can call it ''Dumpster-Diving''. But in a Freegans' opinion, ''the best things in life are free''.Freegans are regular people walking down the street just with different beliefs and how we should live economicly. Although Freegans may live in a nice house or apartment opposed to a regular hunter-gather's choice of shelter, they are still considered hunter-gathers. In my opinion, they are the modern-styled hunter-gatherers.Not only food is recovered from the trash.Magazines, books, musical instruments and even things for the household.A Freegans's purpose is to reduce the volume in the waste stream.


    This image is telling me that Freegans actually look just like normal people and wear normal clothing.Also, there's levels to this garbage picking. I would not like to live the lifestyle of a Freegan because growing up things just sort of been there in my procession. Also, I wouldn't even touch a dumpster. But I will say that a Freegan's lifestyle is beneficial.You will be able to save money in the long run. So being that you have a good job, you financially will be stabled.

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