Sunday, April 20, 2014

Hitler and the World

    *If something is in BOLD, it is a reason for his rise of power.

   Adolf Hitler has made his way in history as a persuasive,  insane socialist who many hated for many years. Hitler is  known for cause the Holocaust and the result of many Jewish people being killed. He was born April 20th 1889 and died April 30th 1945.
[1]   He first came to power at the end of WWI. In 1919 Hitler joined a political party named ''German Workers' Party'' and would be , a year later, best known as the ''Nazi Party''. This Nazi Party he was apart of looked down on the Treaty of Versailles--- a treaty of peace between the allied and associated powers of Germany. Hitler used his talent as being one of the best speakers of the Nazi Party to threaten his fellow members to either make him leader or he'll leave. As any group would do to not lose one of their best, they made him leader. That move was just a step up for Hitler to become more powerful. With the power as leader, Hitler used violence to get his words out there to let people know he was serious and with that he recruited people like him to the Nazi Party. His Nazi Party stood for violence. It was a way Hitler felt he could either prove his point or get his voice heard.Throughout the 20's Hitler was giving speeches, bringing in more members for the Nazi Party. By the end of that year, Hitler had racked up 2,000 people for his party.
    [3]   Hitler has had many reason for his rise to power. If asked what would be the most important reason for Hitler's power , I would have to say that each reason has fed off of each other in some way or has lead to one another. For example, the fact that his threat to leave the Nazi Party led to him threatening the Treaty of Versailles and bringing in more members for his party. It's as if he planned every step to go up the ladder. But if there was a reason for one to be more dominate than the others it would have to be him asking for leadership in the group. I think by the Nazi Party putting him as leader it gave him a chance to have some type of control although it was small control but in the long run it began to progress and led to various situations.
[4]     Some may say the depression was the most important disaster that has led to Hitler's rise to power. They say depression was one of the most important because after the economy collapsed, the Nazi's came to give people hope and that is when the German people became depended on the Nazi Party. I strongly disagree because with the collapse of the German economy Hitler would have still either been a victim of WWI or would be home with his wife on the couch. Without the power of the Nazi party, Hitler would not have gotten far (power wise).
       To conclude things, Hitler was one of the most persuasive people in history. The fact that he had over 2,000 people join his Nazi group after one year conveys serious dominance.And for him to step all over the Treaty of Versailles is another huge thing. The Treaty of Versailles was meant to make peace, but he destroyed it and made war. After doing research I still believe that Hitler's power didn't come from one thing.It came from numerous things and I believe it began with the Nazi Party.


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Industrial Revolution and the Impact on Global Climate

       fact: Britain is the industrial revolution's birthplace.
       Today we live in a world so full of product, it's hard to imagine what life was like for machines.
       We ask ourselves: Besides the people, what else did the Industrial Revolution affect ?

  The Industrial Revolution took place in the 18th and 19th century. There was an invention by Sir Richard Arkwright who built the spinning machine that powered factories. Thus, the more inventions, the larger the factories would be and the more pollution would be let out into the air and that is why the industrial revolution  had an affect on the global climate.

        Sir Richard Arkwright the bad guy?

   People weren't doing their jobs fast enough with turning spinning wheel with cotton or wool. So what Arkwright did was create this machine that controlled the process of spinning cotton fibers. The machine did the work better and faster than man. Although things were done at an impressive amount of speed, the climate was being effected. 

        Climate Change

          The more factories grew, the more pollution there was being released into the air. During this time, atmospheric CO2 was at it's highest level in 15-20 years. Studies even showed, according to the statistics, the climate change was mainly affected by people who continue

sources: 1)


Monday, February 24, 2014

Can You Imagine Being 7 years old?

     Child Labor exist all over the world.  It is viewed as a positive thing from the point of view of the laborers.  But in the eyes of by standers like you and I and the children themselves, it is a negative thing to go through and to exist.  In the article Putting an End to Child Labor which is set in Busan,South Korea 127 million children were working in Asia in the year 2000.  In 2004 the numbers decreased by 3 million.Many children from ages 10 to 14 are doing hard labor.  From my research the child labor age limit is 14 and lower.   Maybe in certain countries the ages are different.Common places in Asia for children to work are carpet factories, brick plants and mines.  From the picture located in the article, a boy was sewing beads into Indian clothing,the caption said ''they work instead of going to school.  '' There are absolutely no good in child labor.If it's taking a child away from their family and education, then what good is it to put your life in danger when you've haven't even lived.

     Reasons why child labor takes place is because families cannot afford to pay bills with their job alone, so they send their kids to work.  As Americans we can look at child labor as something awful and disturbing because America has planted this bug in our heads that we have to have the ''American Dream'' and differentiated people(kids,adults).  It's all about the stereotypes and expectations of children and adults.  As for Asia, they see it as we all need to be working people and age isn't anything but a number.

    Today, child labor still exist but is not a severe issue that it was centuries ago but is still affecting millions of kids around the world.  Statistics from ILO (International Labor Organization) show since 2000 child labor declined by one third, going from 246 million to 168 million children.   In Latin America and in the Caribbean, there are 13 million children in child labor and in the middle east and North Africa, there are 9.2 million.

    Factories are a major source of air pollution.  Pollution may slow down or speed up global warming.  CO2 is a greenhouse gas that may cause global warming and was actually one of the reasons the climate was effected by the industrial revolution.  With factories growing and beginning, pollution was being mixed into our atmosphere.  

sources: 1)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Fact or Fiction?

     Everyone is familiar with the nursery rhyme ''Ring Around the Rosie.'' We've all held hands, turned in a circle and sang the lyrics and at the end fell down. Some say the nursery rhyme is an interpretation of the Black Plague that took place in 1347-1353. Others, like myself, believe that it was just a happy nursery rhyme and centuries later someone came up with and explanation and the world just went with it.
   The lyrics of Ring Around the Rosie was broken down by parts explaining the order of events when a person was infected with the plague. For example, ''ring around the Rosie'' refers to the round, red rash that is the first symptom of the disease. ''Pocket full of posies'' , posies were a flower people thought would immune them from the plague. ''Ashes, ashes'' was the sound the sick people would make when they would sneeze.''We all fall down'' referred to people simply dying from the plague.
     The nursery rhyme Ring Around the Rosie did not occur to until a woman named Kate Greenaway came out with a book name Mother Goose